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1970 — Woodchuck: Live at the Flying Machine? Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States of America

Billy Burke, electric organ Jaco Pastorius, electric bass Bob Herzog, drums; and vocals First set 1. Blackout (Early version of Jazz Street) 2. Verbal Abuse 3. Poly Wanna Rhythm 4. Blues 5. Blues 6. Miles' Mode / CIA 7. Midnight Cruise 8. Too Many Drivers 9. Turn on Your Love Light 10. Twist and Shout / Willie and the Hand Jive 11. Born in Chicago 12. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy 13. See See Rider Blues 14. Misty 15. Twilight Time 16. Bass Solo Second set 17. This Time Forever / Shade of Gray 18. Heaven Help the Fool 19. Festival / Jam - 20. Continuum 21. Donna Lee 22. Purple Haze / Jam / Donna Lee / Man Smart (Woman Smarter) 23. In the Midnight Hour Soundboard recording (3m) from Portrait of Jaco – The Early Years, 1968-1978 (Holiday Park Records)